Mascarade is a role selection game with a difference, after players all see who gets dealt which role, they are then placed face down. The first four players then take a turn each selecting theirs and the role of another player and putting them under the table, before putting them back, perhaps swapping or not swapping the role cards.
After the fourth player, everyone else then has one of three options for their turn. They can either swap (or pretend to swap) cards under the table, look at their card, or announce that they are a specific card. If they announce they a specific role, then going round the table the other players can challenge them, also claiming that role. If they go unchallenged they get to perform that role’s ability without revealing their card.
Should however another player also claim to be that role, then all the claimants reveal their card, those who were wrong pay a fine to the courthouse while the true player (if there was one) can perform that role. As the game goes on and more and more players go about swapping roles with each other, people will really lose track of who has who. People who are sure they have one role may end up being baffled as they eventually find out they are something else. The game will end as soon as someone gets up to 13 coins.
Mascarade is a highly enjoyable game of hidden information and misdirection and at times confusion. The artwork is amazing and among the best of any game. For those really adventurous souls it can also play up to 13 players for maximum confusion and laughter. With smaller groups of players you can mix up the roles you use each game to add extra variety.
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